Important Points To Be Noted:

An extension is shown at the end of a file name that starts with a period and immediately followed by characters.When you rename a file or folder, don’t try to change its extension. Because if you do, you may not be able to open it using the same app, in which you created it.If you tend to accidentally change the extension while renaming a file, you can take help from your Mac to remind you before changing it. To do so, enable “Show warning before changing an extension” in the Advanced pane of Finder preferences.To change a file’s format, you’ll have to use the app with which you created the file. For instance, you can use TextEdit to convert a document from plain text format (.TXT) to a rich text format (.RTF). Likewise, the Preview app can be used to convert various graphic file formats.

How to Show or Hide Filename Extensions on Mac

You can customize extensions to show or hide for one file or all files accordingly. Here is how you can do it using the steps mentioned below.

Show or Hide Extension For One File

Show or Hide Extension For All Files

When you mark the checkbox, all extensions will be shown even for files that have hide extensions. If you unmark the checkbox, then they will be shown or hidden according to the file’s individual extension settings. Summing Up Showing or hiding filename extensions is way too easy in macOS. Isn’t it? If you surf the internet on your Mac and tend to download lots of content, we recommended you to enable the extensions for all files to get rid of a possibly suspicious one. Check out 17 settings that you need to change right away. You may also like to read these:

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