Something similar happens with exporting calendar data. I mean, right on the iPhone or iPad, you can’t “export” your calendar data to anywhere. You can share the calendar with a few friends or send an event across but exporting is not a possibility. At least, not an easy possibility.

How to Export iCloud Calendar on Your iPhone/iPad

But you can export a calendar on your iPhone/iPad through iCloud. Here’s how to do that: (We’re assuming that you use iCloud to sync your calendars. If you’re not, you should do so now because we rely on iCloud to export the calendar.) Before you begin: On your iPhone, make sure you sync Calendars on iCloud. To do this go to Settings → iCloud and switch on Calendar. Step #1. Open on the web browser. Step #2. Login with your Apple ID. Step #3. Click on Calendar to open it.

Step #4. On the side panel, click on the options icon to the right of the calendar’s name. Step #5. Tick the Public Calendar check box. Step #6. As you click, you’ll notice a webcal URL. Copy the URL. Step #7. Paste the URL in a new tab but replace webcal with HTTP. Hit go to open the URL.

Step #8. A file will be downloaded now. This is the Calendar file containing all relevant data. It’s usually an ICS file so add the extension “.ics” to the file. This will make it open by default on your Mac (or in supported tools). At the moment, this is the only way to export your iPhone/iPad calendars in whole. It’s not possible to export them directly into Google Calendar or Outlook but you can certainly use the downloaded file to do that. Know a better tool/method to export calendars from an iPhone to another device/tool? Let us know! Wish to catch up with more such articles?

How to Export iCloud Calendar on Your iPhone - 41How to Export iCloud Calendar on Your iPhone - 42